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24-Hour Sexual, Dating and Domestic Violence Helpline:



$1,000 goal

Ended Oct 31, 2023


Hopeworks serves survivors of Intimate Partner violence in the Howard County and Central MD area. They provide housing, legal resources, and so much more to survivors and their families. One of our recent financial challenges has the been the high cost of using hotels for long-term stays. Hiring and retaining staff, as for many organizations right now, is also presenting challenges. Please consider donating during our Purple Challenge for the month of October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Thank you for your interest.




Hopeworks serves survivors of Intimate Partner violence in the Howard County and Central MD area. They provide housing, legal resources, and so much more to survivors and their families. One of our recent financial challenges has the been the high cost of using hotels for long-term stays. Hiring and retaining staff, as for many organizations right now, is also presenting challenges. Please consider donating during our Purple Challenge for the month of October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Thank you for your interest.


$1,000 goal

Ended Oct 31, 2023