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24-Hour Sexual, Dating and Domestic Violence Helpline:

Give the Gift of Hope

Your donation supports our ability to intercede on behalf of victims of sexual and intimate partner violence by helping them move from crisis to recovery. Your donation ensures that HopeWorks can provide the following services:

  • 24-hour crisis hotline;
  • Emergency shelter and longer-term transitional housing;
  • Crisis and on-going counseling for adults and children;
  • Hospital accompaniment and advocacy services;
  • Legal representation in court enabling clients to obtain Civil Orders of Protection; and
  • Awareness, prevention, and wellness programming reaching thousands of community residents every year.

Together, we make a difference in the lives of those impacted by violence.


Questions? Email donations@hopeworksofhc.org or call (410) 997-0304.

Your Donation Amount

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To make a donation by check, mail to:

HopeWorks of Howard County
9770 Patuxent Woods Drive, Ste. 300
Columbia, MD 21046

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Please note: When you make an online donation you will always receive an automated email receipt, even if you opt out of other email communications.

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